Centro de Informacion is a not-for-profit charity dedicated to empowering the immigrant community with the ability to effectively integrate into the greater community through the facilitation of information, education, citizenship and well-being.
Audio and Video Production Projects
Balanced Environments
Balanced Environments, Inc. (BEI) is an award-winning, full-service landscape design build company with 5 locations in the upper midwest. They work with municipalities, commercial property owners and homeowners associations to design and main huge corporate campuses, parks and neighborhoods. GMCI is the advertising agency of record for this $40 million a year company. We created their website from scratch to highlight the beauty of their work and the breadth of their client base. We work with BEI to provide marketing and advertising services from a granular level up to and including ad buys, sales and marketing retreats and focus groups.
Brittain’s Express Oil & Lube and Brittain’s Car Wash
Brittain’s Express Oil & Lube is a quick change oil & lube business with a busy service center in Elgin, IL. This is a second-generation business that bases its model on friendly hometown, trustworthy and fast auto services. The attached car wash is an automated exterior wash service with optional towel dry services.
Midwest Groundcovers
Midwest Groundcovers and Midwest Trading is an industry leader in the propagation, growing and wholesale distribution of container nursery stock. They operate over 700 acres of state-of-the-art nursery production facilities at five locations in St. Charles, IL, Virgil, IL and Glenn, MI. GMCI™ rebranded the sister companies and created a dynamic new look and feel for all of their products and companies.