Brittain’s Tunnel of Terror
Brittain’s Tunnel of Terror
Brittain’s Car Wash is an automated exterior wash service with optional towel dry services. For Halloween they decided to run a 1 weekend haunted car wash for charity.
Design Features
Brittain’s Car Wash asked us to help create a haunted car wash. We named and branded it the Tunnel of Terror. We created a full graphics campaign. GMCI™ created a full website, video commercials for online and on local cable. We ran online and social media ads along with geofenced ads to let the community know about this fun event. People came from as far as Wisconsin to experience the wash and Brittain’s made a huge donation to Food for Greater Elgin Charity with the proceeds from this event. The event even went viral several times as influencers and celbrities Tweeted and posted the event to Tik Tok.
Creative Process
GMCI’s™ strategic and tailored design approach allows your business to connect with your customers like never before.
Our Projects
GMCI's™ strategic and tailored design approach allows your business to connect with your customers like never before.
LET’s Build something Together
We want to make you the number one business in your market. We do this by investing ourselves in your company, loving your product or service, researching the needs of your consumer, and creating marketing that delivers on target. Send us a note, tell us about your awesome business. We cannot wait to help!