Audio and Video Production

Influencer videos, viral videos, grass roots social campaigns, vblogs, vcards, video display ads, podcasts and social media live events, all custom made to move your company brand forward.

Videos that engage

Allow your customers to see and hear your brand first-hand with videos. Highlight your products, services and client testimonials with grass roots style or highly-produced Hollywood quality video work with GMCI™ Creative.

Video Production

Audio and Video Production Services

GMCI designs videos for your target audience that defines your expertise and moves buyers forward.

Social Media

We film and produce Facebook live, Instagram stories, Periscope events, Twitter promotions, Linked In seminars, YouTube events and more for clients to get their information in front of the people wanting their commodity. Creating influencer videos is a specialty.


Educating your potential customer helps to convert them into a customer. We create educational vblogs for clients that can be used on their website, in drip and social media, at trade shows, through in-house video feeds and very cool vcards.

Live Feed & Video Conferencing

We create cloud based video conferencing for events and experiential marketing fun. GMCI™ has stepped outside of the box with our live-feed and video conference options during the past year. These virtual events keep customers in the loop and your business never far from their mind.

Video Display Ads

The video display ads in search engines are very powerful and convert at a higher rate than any other type of PPC marketing. We create video ads for customers to hit their target market directly where they search.

Culture and Influencer Videos

Highlighting products or services through influencers or culture styles is a cutting-edge way to get in front of a large group of customers in a very quick way. Our influencer and culture videos are seen by millions around the globe for our clients.


Video testimonials are an amazing way to have happy clients toot your horn. Quick, 15 second testimonial videos for social media, or longer story-based videos for websites and events. All of these help customers know your brand.

Audiences expect video communication in every aspect of your business, and you need to meet their demands with quick, up to the minute, custom videos from GMCI Creative.

Our Projects

Peruse our case studies to see what GMCI’s™ superpowers can do to help your business leap to the top of the heap!

LET’s Build something Together

We want to make you the number one business in your market. We do this by investing ourselves in your company, loving your product or service, researching the needs of your consumer, and creating marketing that delivers on target. Send us a note, tell us about your awesome business. We cannot wait to help!